ORSAY, a German company, founded in Willst'tt in 1975, is currently one of the leading international Lady Fashion retailer with more than 580 shops throughout 23 countries in Europe and other areas and 4,300 employees worldwide. Current annual turnover is approx euro 350 million net. ORSAY designs with passion a range of feminine, reasonably-priced outfits which allow women to individually express their femininity at all times. The great feeling of being fashionable dressed with ORSAY clothes on every occasion is now enjoyed by women across Europe. Behind the brand ORSAY’s unique FEMININE STYLE stands a modern, flexible and competitive company. Currently, we have been present in Shanghai & HK for sourcing related activities for over 10years. And now, with the expansion of our business, we have many opening positions for motivated candidates. ORSAY,为隶属于法国Mulliez Group集团下的一个女装品牌,于1975年成立于德国。目前在欧洲及其他地区的23个国家拥有超过580家专卖店,雇员超过4,300名,年营业额约3亿5000万欧元。我们在中国上海和香港的采购中心已运做了10多年以上的采购业务。 ORSAY女装通过以“CITY, CASUAL MIX, PARTY”为主的设计理念来突显广大女性特有的时尚魅力,并以精细的裁剪及舒适的穿着,来为广大女性提供能够展示时尚魅力的多款式的服装。 请浏览公司网站, 更多了解ORSAY. 为配合公司业务的不断发展,我们邀请热爱服装及时尚行业、并愿意和公司共同发展的人士加入Orsay. 有意应聘者请将个人的中英文简历邮寄或E-MAIL至本公司。请务必在信封上或邮件主题中注明所应聘的职位.