MastexInc. was established in the year of 1999 as a textile manufacturer and exporter and achieved good business partnership with major retailers and brands around the world. Mastex China Corp. is a subsidiary of Mastex Inc. located in Shanghai, who is managing our fabric development and production in China. We are currently managing fabric production in China and Korea, having Design and R&D team in Seoul and Shanghai and QA team in Seoul, Daegu, Shanghai, Wujiang and Shaoxing. . Mastex Inc.成立于1999年。其在中国的办事处Mastex China Crop珉贸易(上海)有限公司于2010年在闵行区注册成立外商独资企业,公司常年与实力雄厚的美国知名品牌Loft,Ann Taylor, Kohl's, JCPenny, Tommy Hilifiger等客户进行合作, 主要出口各种梭织及针织面料。目前Mastex China 有15人。近几年,公司保持稳步发展, 在中国的生产定单量持续增加,现诚聘相关面料人才加盟, 公司提供舒适的工作氛围和宽敞整洁的工作环境。欢迎您加入我们的团队,提升自我,实现职业理想。