SML国际商标集团成立于1985年,总部位于香港。SML集团拥有一流的管理模式,在美国、英国、印度、土耳其、斯里兰卡和中国东莞、上海和青岛等地都设有大型制造生产基地,为全球顾客提供环球服务。 上海西文服饰有限公司由香港SML国际集团于1997年在上海投资组建的独资子公司,公司产品为销售织唛、印唛、印刷类服饰商标(吊牌),并主要服务于华东区域的集团项目客户及国内大型服饰厂家,并向周边及华中、华北区域幅射。公司销售及市务办公位于虹井路185号虹淞大厦,交通十分便利;工厂位于金山区枫泾镇,占地面积50亩,主体办公楼及生产车间面积达2万多平方米,一幢5层员工宿舍楼,以解决及满足外地员工的住宿问题。公司现有员工900余名,但随着集团及公司立足上海,进一步拓展华东及海外市场的战略和发展需要,我们拟诚聘优秀人士加盟公司,公司将为员工提供良好内部发展机制,为员工提供公平、公正的发展平台,以施展自我才能,并促进企业更高层次的发展。 Founded in 1997,Shanghai SML Co, was a large-scale production base invested by Hong Kong SML Limited. In order to meet market needs ,we are equipped with advanced design and manufacturing facilities which can produce various kinds of apparel accessories (e.g. woven labels,printed labels,hangtogs)as well as package products (e.g. colour cards,display boxes). Our daily capocity can reach several million piecs being on international and modernized label company Shanghai SML has attracted outstanding technicians ,management executives and sales people to join .They are all devoted to providing with customers service possible .With shanghai as our production and service centre ,we have also set up sales liaison offices in main cities in Eastern China,such as Nangjing ,Ningbo and Quanzhou. Shanghai SML is serving the market with the vision "hign efficiency and quality service ". With well-developed production and sales network supported by SML Group ,we supply a wide range of labels and package products. SML is currently on authorized supplier of many world-famous brands and we will strive for excellence to ensure quality services. 销售、市务办公地址:虹井路185号虹淞大厦9楼 (上班时间:9:00-17:30公司实行大小周休息), 附近公交线路721路、809路、804路,轨道交通10号线。 工厂地址:位于金山区枫泾镇枫泾工业园A区 (莘庄、七宝线通勤车:早上7:10到达莘庄地铁站北广场碧泉路(锦江之星北侧),7:35到达七宝永乐家电对面公交站台,(车身有印有红色上海西文服饰有限公司几个大字)。青浦线通勤车:早上7:30分到达盈港路世纪联华附近的平安银行门口,车牌号:沪B51760) 公司目前实行大小周休息制。 (本公司招聘岗位,除注明上班地点在虹井路外,其余岗位的上班地点均为工厂)