TOMS Shoes was founded in 2006 on a simple premise: With every pair youpurchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One.Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is whatwere all about. The TOMS mission transforms our customers into benefactors,which allows us to grow a truly sustainable business rather than depending onfundraising for support.In order to deliver products faster to the customers and withoutcompromising the integrity of the TOMS brand, this manual will be a resource tohelp us accomplish this task. TOMS开创于2006年。它有一个质朴的理念:每当您购买一双TOMS鞋,TOMS公司将送出一双新鞋给需要的儿童。一双鞋帮助一个儿童。TOMS所有致力求索的是,把您作为个体的消费行为转化为伟大的慈善活动。TOMS的使命就是把消费者变为捐助者,并同时允许我们在客观上可以维持而不是疲于寻求募捐的支持----来持续发展慈善事业。 公司福利:五天制八小时,享受国家法定节假日,公司提供中餐,享受五险一金,一年享有10天带薪年假,办公环境舒适,优美。