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Who is Franco Manufacturing Company, Inc.? Franco Manufacturing is a family owned business, founded in 1952 by David E. Franco and his three sons. Now in its third generation, the five sons of Louis, Morris, and Jack carry on the tradition established by David E. Franco into the future. In every year since the founding of the company Franco has consistently reinvested in the future of the organization, strategically adding infrastructure to keep pace with the competitive requirements of the marketplace. Beginning with a single product, Franco today is an organization that is a key resource for the home textile market with distribution that reaches 90% of consumers in the United States. Franco is currently one of the top ten USA based home textile companies. We are a global company with locations and offices around the world. Corporate Headquarters are located in Metuchen, New Jersey. 什么是法朗哥制造公司? 法朗哥制造公司是David E. Franco和他的三个儿子在1952年创立的家族企业。现在Louis, Morris, Jack和第三代的五个儿子,将David E. Franco建立的传统将沿袭到未来。自从法朗哥公司建立以来,每年都坚持贯彻对公司未来机构组织进行投资,战略性的增强基础设施建设,以跟上市场竞争的要求。从单一产品开始,今天的法朗哥已经成为了家用纺织品的主要来源,并且在美国拥有90%的消费者。法朗哥现已成为排名前十位的美国家用纺织品公司。我们是一家全球性企业,在世界各地都设有办事处,公司总部位于美国新泽西州的Metuchen。 What products do we offer our customers? Franco offers its customers a wide range of products in the home textile area, including: Bedding Pillows Kitchen Bath and Bath Accessories Beach and Beach Accessories 我们为顾客提供什么样的产品? 法朗哥公司为客户提供广泛的家用纺织产品,包括: 床上用品 靠枕 厨巾用品 浴巾和配套用品 沙滩巾和配套用品 What is Franco doing in China? Formally established in 1993, Franco's Representative Office in Shanghai, China, is a Sourcing Office, servicing Franco's customers in the US and Canada, across all product lines, in the areas of: sourcing vendor management product development technical support design order management Formally established in 1993, Franco's Representative Office in Shanghai, China, 法朗哥公司在中国开展什么样的业务? 法朗哥制造公司上海代表处正式成立于1993年.作为上海代表,公司致力于为美国和加拿大的客户提供服务,横跨整个产品线,包含以下领域: 采购 供应商管理 产品开发 技术支持 设计 订单管理 Who is best suited to work at Franco? Franco's team in China is the best in class. We look for candidates who are highly intelligent and responsibile, committed to professionalism and continuous improvement, people who like keeping abreast of the latest manufacturing technologies and techniques, and who like challenges. We hire people who know not only how to work hard but also how to work smart. 法朗哥公司需要怎样的人才? 在中国,法朗哥的团队是非常优秀的,我们期待的候选人是具有较高理解能力和责任感的,拥有致力于专业和不断完善的精神,并且对最新的制造技术和工艺有一定的了解,勇于挑战。公司诚聘不仅知道努力工作而且懂得如何提高工作效率的英才. Please send your CV both English and Chinese via mail to clark.lu@franco-mfg.com Franco's website: www.franco-mfg.com

  • 法定代理人: 夏诚然
  • 注册资本: 100万人民币
  • 成立日期: 2021-08-04
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 经营状态: 在营
  • 注册地址: 广州市海珠区金碧一街58号二楼自编205-3房
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91440101MA5D7KKM80
  • 经营范围: 商务咨询服务;心理咨询服务(不含医学心理咨询、医学心理训练、医学心理辅导等医疗行为);投资咨询服务;个人形象设计服务;公司礼仪服务;翻译服务;商品信息咨询服务;营养健康咨询服务;策划创意服务;文化艺术咨询服务;企业形象策划服务;婴幼儿启蒙咨询服务;人力资源外包;人力资源培训;人力资源供求信息的收集和发布;人力资源服务外包;教育咨询服务;教学设备的研究开发;舞台表演艺术指导服务;室内装饰设计服务;艺术表演场馆管理服务;舞台表演安全保护服务;舞台表演美工服务;舞台表演道具服务;舞台表演化妆服务;商品批发贸易(许可审批类商品除外);美术品批发(象牙及其制品除外);美术图案设计服务;3岁以下婴幼儿照护服务;




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