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Hermès was founded in Paris in 1837, its modest beginnings as a maker of harnesses and saddles in Paris, with a passion for perfection. Six generations of his descendants have worked towards building up the Hermès Group. 爱马仕于1837年在巴黎创立,一切源自巴黎的一个生产马鞍及马具用品的作坊,从一开始便致力追求完美。经过爱马仕家族六代人的共同努力才有了爱马仕集团。 Hermès brings together past, present and future in its application of traditional craftsmanship combined with the finest materials, to create innovative and beautiful products. By drawing on the strength of its roots and applying the house values to the pursuit of innovation, the company continues its steady growth, inspired by the spirit of the generations that built its history. 爱马仕将传统手工艺和最优异的原材料完美结合,将过去、现在和未来融合在一起,创造出了创新、优质的产品。凭借对品牌根源的坚持和对品牌基本价值观“创新”的不断追求,并在成就了辉煌历史的家族成员的精神鼓舞下,爱马仕持续着它稳步发展的步伐。 Today, Hermès comprises a large variety of crafts: Saddlery, Leather bags, Scarves, Men and Women Ready-to-wear, Perfume, Watches, Small leather goods, Hat, Leather belt, Footwear, Gloves, Enamel, Art of living, Interior decoration, Tableware and Jewelry. 今天,爱马仕旗下共有十七款产品系列:马具、箱包、丝巾、女装、男装、香水、钟表、小皮件、帽子、皮带、鞋类、手套、珐琅饰品、家居生活系列、室内装饰设计系列、餐瓷以及珠宝首饰。 Although Hermès has achieved international status, it has never lost its human touch: the same traditions of fine craftsmanship, inspired by the Hermès family values, continue to guide the Company today, just as they did over 170 years ago. 虽然我们奉行的是国际化路线,但是我们从未放弃我们以人为本的宗旨:如同我们过去170多年所走过的,我们秉承一贯的精良工艺,我们的灵感来自于爱马仕大家庭价值观,这些精神引领我们继续前进。 The inspiration of Hermès is to believe in individuals and in their hands. Our greatest pride is the men and women who bring the House to life. The same spirit has been alive since the company’s incorporation in 1837. It has been passed on from generation to generation, from the old to the young, by those who were and still are Hermès to those who will be Hermès in the future. 我们坚信爱马仕的灵感来自于每一个个体与他们的双手。我们最大的荣耀来自于那些能使蓬荜生辉的人们。这一精神自公司1837年的诞生之日起就伴随着我们,它传递了一代又一代,从年长者到年轻人,从那些曾在和仍在爱马仕工作的人到那些将要在爱马仕工作的人。 To select Hermès means that you will share our rapid development in China and our company value of sharing, trusting, listening and communicating. 如果您选择了爱马仕您就会于爱马仕共同成长并分享公司的价值观:分享、信任、倾听和沟通。 联系方式 公司地址:上海市淮海中路283号香港广场35楼 邮政编码: 200021 公司主页: http://www.hermes.com/

  • 法定代理人: 夏诚然
  • 注册资本: 100万人民币
  • 成立日期: 2021-08-04
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 经营状态: 在营
  • 注册地址: 广州市海珠区金碧一街58号二楼自编205-3房
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91440101MA5D7KKM80
  • 经营范围: 商务咨询服务;心理咨询服务(不含医学心理咨询、医学心理训练、医学心理辅导等医疗行为);投资咨询服务;个人形象设计服务;公司礼仪服务;翻译服务;商品信息咨询服务;营养健康咨询服务;策划创意服务;文化艺术咨询服务;企业形象策划服务;婴幼儿启蒙咨询服务;人力资源外包;人力资源培训;人力资源供求信息的收集和发布;人力资源服务外包;教育咨询服务;教学设备的研究开发;舞台表演艺术指导服务;室内装饰设计服务;艺术表演场馆管理服务;舞台表演安全保护服务;舞台表演美工服务;舞台表演道具服务;舞台表演化妆服务;商品批发贸易(许可审批类商品除外);美术品批发(象牙及其制品除外);美术图案设计服务;3岁以下婴幼儿照护服务;





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