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批发/ 外商独资 / 20人以下

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  • 735



我们是一家西班牙的跨国时装公司,专营时尚女装,在全世界超过90个国家拥有专卖店。我们信赖一个富有动感的、积极向上的、以及不断发展新技能的团队。如果你喜欢分担职责,贡献自我所学并发展专业技能和个人事业,那么,你就是我们的一员了。诚邀你加入MANGO团队并帮助我们实现我们共同的目标:在世界每个城市展示我们的风采。 The secret of our company's success lies in a professional team that works day by day to achieve a common goal: to be present in every city in the world. The qualities that make up the great MANGO team are a fighting and enterprising spirit and the sharing of responsibilities. What is more, we are characterised by facing up to challenges and difficulties in our daily work. Hierarchical barriers are kept to a minimum in the company structure to encourage, among others, a more direct and respectful treatment between all collaborators. This proficient team is formed by a group of specialists who constantly strive to improve in their respective professional fields. This is essential to keep moving towards success and to build the image of an innovative, daring and creative company. Training is available for every position since we try to promote professionals in all fields related to the company. At MANGO we want our professional staff to develop within the company and to gain more responsibilities over time. In this way, a greater personal and professional satisfaction is obtained, as well as increased motivation for carrying out day-to-day tasks. MANGO wants you to enjoy your job and to feel motivated, since this is what leads to commercial success in a team that works together to fulfil a common objective If your aspirations match ours, come and be part of our team!

  • 法定代理人: 夏诚然
  • 注册资本: 100万人民币
  • 成立日期: 2021-08-04
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 经营状态: 在营
  • 注册地址: 广州市海珠区金碧一街58号二楼自编205-3房
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91440101MA5D7KKM80
  • 经营范围: 商务咨询服务;心理咨询服务(不含医学心理咨询、医学心理训练、医学心理辅导等医疗行为);投资咨询服务;个人形象设计服务;公司礼仪服务;翻译服务;商品信息咨询服务;营养健康咨询服务;策划创意服务;文化艺术咨询服务;企业形象策划服务;婴幼儿启蒙咨询服务;人力资源外包;人力资源培训;人力资源供求信息的收集和发布;人力资源服务外包;教育咨询服务;教学设备的研究开发;舞台表演艺术指导服务;室内装饰设计服务;艺术表演场馆管理服务;舞台表演安全保护服务;舞台表演美工服务;舞台表演道具服务;舞台表演化妆服务;商品批发贸易(许可审批类商品除外);美术品批发(象牙及其制品除外);美术图案设计服务;3岁以下婴幼儿照护服务;




  1. 河北佰信达实业有限公司招聘
  2. 黑蝠社国际(香港)有限公司招聘
  3. 湖州朗田服饰有限公司招聘
  4. 广州市潮汛贸易有限公司招聘
  5. 广州金衣馆服饰有限公司招聘
  6. 厦门三舒法绅工贸有限公司招聘
  7. 广州启业服饰有限公司招聘
  8. 丽天(香港)公司广州办事处招聘
  9. 广州纬航服饰有限公司招聘
  10. 广州远成服饰招聘
  11. 棠菲服饰招聘
  12. 爱伊维斯服饰有限公司招聘
  13. 广州秀色燎人网络科技有限公司招聘
  14. 广州市星港服装有限公司招聘
  15. 广州市番禺利得鞋业有限公司招聘
  16. 广州市白云区浩森制衣厂招聘
  17. 广州市海珠区轩依时装厂招聘
  18. 广州艺耐家居用品有限公司招聘
  19. 三六一度(中国)有限公司招聘
  20. 香港AQA有限公司广州代表处招聘



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