岗位职责: 1、负责拓展和建立围绕大宗商品领域(棉花)交易的合作关系;熟悉信用证、进出口流程及物权交接等相关工作 2、负责开发国内棉花客户,促成交易,跟踪合同的签订、负责收款与信用证跟踪、及时通知客户货运情况、做好售后服务,维护好与客户的关系; 3、执行并完成上级领导交付的其他工作。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历; 2、6-10年销售工作经验,有一定的大宗商品期货交易相关工作经验;对大宗商品具有较强的研究分析能力 3、熟练的英语听、说、读、写能力,能阅读各种英文专业技术文档; 4、诚信、工作认真、细致、严谨、积极主动,有高度责任心,有很强的团队合作精神,能承受一定工作压力; 5、有高效的时间管理能力和执行力; 6、有较强的分析问题、解决问题及开拓创新能力; 7、有相关交易品种的研究、市场推广、产品咨询等工作经验者优先;具有棉花行业背景者优先; 8、拥有境内外信用证实际操经验者优先考虑; Job Description Responsibility: 1. Develop and make business relationship in commodity (Cotton) industry, familiar with L/C, Imp Exp process 2.Develop customers of Cotton in China, make the deal. Follow up the contract, collect payment and L/C, inform customers of the shipment, follow up customers feedback after sales. Keep good relationship with customers. 3.Other works assigned by supervisor. Requirement: 1. Bachelor degree or above 2. 6 – 10 years sales experience, has experience in commodity industry, has strong analysis ability for commodity industry 3. Good at English Chinese 4. Group work, can do good work in certain pressure, honest and work hard 5. Good performance on work executive and time management 6. Strong analysis ability of problems and can solve problem efficiently 7. Preference: (1)People have Cotton industry experience (2)People have L/C experience